Big Change from Small Business - Our Project with Five Talents
Our Five Talents Project
We began our 3 year project in Savings Groups with global charity, Five Talents, at the end of 2021. Since then, with local trainers, we have set up 24 savings groups in the Nanderema region of rural Western Kenya. We are delighted to report that we now have a total of 526 members in these Savings Groups (this is at the 2 year point). This represents 526 families in local communities whose lives are being transformed. Savings Groups empower local people to meet together and learn how to save small amounts of their money towards business projects or family needs like education/hospital bills. Once they have saved enough, they are eligible to take a loan from their group.
We have already provided business training to group members, and in this last year of the project, we hope to provide literacy skills to those that need it too. Many of the group members have started their own small enterprises, like the ladies pictured who have set up a successful brick making business. They are now able to feed their families, and get their children to school.
We fund two full time Savings Group trainers to deliver training and monitor the groups' saving activity, but apart from that we haven't given a penny to group members themselves, they are doing this entirely themselves with their own means (not through hand outs) - this is important for self esteem and to ensure the groups and their work is sustainable into the future.
If you would like too read the report from our trainers about this exciting work, please email
You can also read more about Five Talents and many of their inspirational stories on their website
Thank you to all our supporters who helped fund this project - we couldn’t do it without you.! And if you would like to help, we still have one year of the project to go and salaries to pay, so every penny counts. Thank you.